Server functions There are a total of 55 symbol entries. This is output of dumpsymstats: "GPF" is a built-in function with 0 arguments. "allsess" is a function with 0 arguments "clearSym" is a built-in function with 1 argument, a string. "clearTraceFlag" is a built-in function with 1 argument, a int. "closeEventLog" is a built-in function with 0 arguments. "cls" is a function with 0 arguments "csv_scores" is a built-in function with 1 argument, a string. "disableTelnet" is a built-in function with 0 arguments. "dstr" is a built-in function with 1 argument, a double. "dumpAllSym" is a built-in function with 0 arguments. "dumpLogFile" is a built-in function with 1 argument, a string. "dumpSym" is a built-in function with 1 argument, a string. "dumpSymStats" is a built-in function with 0 arguments. "dumpTelnet" is a built-in function with 0 arguments. "dump_scores" is a built-in function with 1 argument, a string. "eject" is a built-in function with 1 argument, a string. "enableTelnet" is a built-in function with 2 arguments: string, int. "hist_stats" is a built-in function with 0 arguments. "inifile" is variable with value ".\rb2server.ini". "int3" is a built-in function with 0 arguments. "isSession" is a built-in function with 1 argument, a int. "istr" is a built-in function with 1 argument, a int. "listLogFiles" is a built-in function with 0 arguments. "load" is a built-in function with 1 argument, a string. "load_scores" is a built-in function with 1 argument, a string. "logAddrs" is variable with value "1". "logChat" is variable with value "0". "logConnects" is variable with value "1". "logKills" is variable with value "1". "logPlayerCountSeconds" is variable with value "900". "match" is a built-in function with 1 argument, a string. "openEventLog" is a built-in function with 2 arguments: int, string. "port" is variable with value "49000". "print" is a built-in function with 1 argument, a string. "protocol" is variable with value "UDP". "pwd" is a built-in function with 0 arguments. "quit" is a built-in function with 0 arguments. "resetSessionStats" is a built-in function with 1 argument, a int. "resetTransStats" is a built-in function with 0 arguments. "sendMail" is a built-in function with 5 arguments: string, string, string, stri ng, string. The usage of these 5 strings is: in short: sendMail(message text ,smtp gateway, from: server@address ,subject ,to:someone@ address ) Example: sendMail("Server running.....", "smtp.urISP.yourtopDomain", "","Server stats", "") "sessionStats" is a built-in function with 1 argument, a int. "setPacketSize" is a built-in function with 1 argument, a int. "setReceiveRate" is a built-in function with 1 argument, a int. "setSendRate" is a built-in function with 1 argument, a int. "setTraceFlag" is a built-in function with 1 argument, a int. "sqrt" is a built-in function with 1 argument, a double. "stats" is a built-in function with 0 arguments. "time" is a built-in function with 0 arguments. "toint" is a built-in function with 1 argument, a double. "traceoff" is a built-in function with 0 arguments. "traceon" is a built-in function with 0 arguments. "transParms" is a built-in function with 0 arguments. "transStats" is a built-in function with 0 arguments. "ver" is a built-in function with 0 arguments. "writeEventLog" is a built-in function with 1 argument, a string.